Setting Maxillary Anterior Teeth

I don't like to stay in school longer that I need to. I'm there from 8am to 5pm everyday, after which I've had enough! This is how the "Home Lab" was invented: 

Of course, I need all the tools of the trade:

I need the teeth for setting

Here we go! After midline has been established, start setting teeth on one side first

All maxillary anterior teeth Set:

PS: This is wrong on so many levels. I should have been setting teeth
in the articulator, NOT while it's in the dentoform.
This was before I knew better ;)
Something tells me I need to correct the position of the left canine 

lateral: Left View

Lateral: Right View
Finished Maxillary Anteriors (or so I thought...)
Front View

Turns out the above teeth were a bit lingually placed. After making the adjustments,
Finished Maxillary Anteriors:

Front View

Stay tuned for the setting of the Mandibular Anterior teeth!


Dental Daddy said...

It is looking really good! Are your record bases sealed to your cast? Because it looks like your maxillary anteriors are >22mm from the mucobuccal fold (i don't even know if you guys have those same requirements we have...)

How is your school teaching you to set posteriors? We do the 2 mand premolars, then opposing premolar set in maximum intercuspation, check working, nonworking, and protrusive contacts, adjust adjust adjust, move on to 1st molar, set opposing max 2nd premolar, adjust adjust adjust, etc.

Oh, and do you guys use a 1/2 Hollenbach? That is amazing when it comes to making small adjustments to get 1 missing nonworking contact or something.

Keep up the great work and keep us updated :D

Dr. Patrice Smith said...


No, the record base isn't sealed to the cast. I'll be doing several of these for the semester and I may need to re-use the record base. I don't think we have the same requirements as it pertains to the maxillary anteriors being 22mm from the mucobuccal fold. As long as the teeth are oriented to the occlusal plane with the help of an aluminium plate and they're in the correct orientation we're pretty much good to go.

For posteriors, it seems to be the same except we start with the maxillary premolars.

Thanks for the tip on the 1/2 hollenback carver, and thanks for stopping by! :)

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