It is only week three of the Fall semester and I am already buried in exams and projects. Woo dios mio! But I finally have some time to make an update. We've been working on custom trays, record bases and wax rims in Removable Prosthodontics. The aim is to fabricate a complete denture.
Preliminary Cast - Used to make the custom tray
Preliminary Mandibular Cast |
Fabricate Custom Tray using Triad material
Mandibular Custom tray |
Side View: Mandibular Custom Tray |
Mandibular Custom Tray separated from Preliminary cast |
Maxillary Custom Tray |
Side View: Maxillary Custom Tray |
Maxillary Custom Tray separated from Preliminary Cast
Fabricate Record Base. This is done similarly to the fabrication of the custom tray except the triad material extends to the vestibule of the cast.
Triad material (in package) used to make Record Base |
Triad Material (out of package)
Fabricate Wax Rim on the Record Base
Mandibular Record Base + Wax Rim |
Side View: Mandibular Record Base + Wax Rim |
Maxillary Record Base + Wax Rim |
Maxillary Record Base + Wax Rim |
Edentulous Dentoform |
Dentoform with Record Base and Wax Rim in place.
The Maxillary alignment is slightly off. After I adjust it then...
Setting Teeth! |
I love lab work! It's nice to get away from the books sometime.
I had such a hectic week. Restorative Operative exam was on Tuesday followed by Pathology on Wednesday and Microbiology on Thursday - all this while doing amalgam and composite preps and restorations AND making custom trays, record bases and wax rims. I will have a Restorative Operative graded exercise this afternoon which will include doing and amalgam prep and restoration on #12 and 31 and composite on 29.
I am happy this week is over - Cheers to the freakin' Weekend!!
Looking good so far! Have fun setting teeth...
Check out how my dentures are coming so far. At the bottom of the post, there is links to other posts for custom trays, wax rims, ant teeth, etc!
Keep us updated :D
Thanks! I sure will!
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