The stainless steel crown/restoration is indicated for primary and young permanent teeth with multiple carious surfaces. It's also indicated for restoration of primary teeth after pulpotomy or pulpectomy procedures, class 2 lesions where the caries extend beyond the anatomic line angles, hereditary anomalies, etc.
After administering local anesthesia, placing rubber dam and removing caries, it's then time for crown preparation.
Occlusal reduction by 1-1.5mm using football diamond bur or 169 L tapered fissure bur
Proximal reduction using 169 L tapered fissure bur or thin tapered diamond bur
Buccal and Lingual reduction using same burs limited to occlusal 1/3rd
Select SS Crown, ensure proper fit, check margins for cervical adaptation extending 1mm subgingivally.
Crimp/contour the crown, cement it and voila!