Battle Scars and All

There was a period when I didn't mind being asked this question. It could be a friendly gesture, a conversation starter or being genuinely concerned. But, after a while it gets old...and irritating. What do you mean if I'm tired? I'm a Dental student!  Oh, and it's worse when your own classmates ask. Last time I checked buddy, you and I had the same course load. Why aren't YOU tired?!

One another note, it's finals period. That period when we all burn the mid night oil in hopes of meeting our semester's goals of all A's, being every professor's favorite, break a class record, climb to the top of the Dean's list and graduate summa cum laude - wait, that's undergrad. Nevermind.

Fast forward to present moment: 6:44 am, sleep deprived, crouched over mounds of books and study sheets while the computer silently protests about being over-worked. I'm only 76 hrs 14mins and 9 seconds away from what's about to be one of the toughest weeks in the entire history of my dental school career; all 10 months, 10 lbs, 4 grey hairs and $62,000 of it. Next week is gonna be muddy! Like Yokozuna versus Verne Troyer in a sumo ring, muddy. But I have full confidence that the little guy will prevail and come out victorious, battle scars and all.

After the next 2 weeks I'll be 1/7th a dentist!! (including residency). Baby steps people, baby steps.

PS If you like the pic above get it on a T-shirt, coffee mug, or even a key chain at the Stu_DENT Shoppe. Lots more where that came from.


Unknown said...

Love this post. I'm a pre-dental student, so actually I can't wait to be able to say I'm THAT tired because of Dental school!:)-good luck next week

Anonymous said...

Good luck Patrice! Mash dem up!

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

I remember having your kind of enthusiasm before Dental School Jennifer. Good luckwith getting in, and thanks!

Thanks Anonymous, LOL - you must be a fellow Jamaican :)

SeƱor T said...

This is funny. I'm definitely running over to stu_dent shoppe to get a tshirt with the picture on it. Keep plugging in until mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Don't u mean 1/4th a dentist and not 1/7th??

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

Anonymous, I plan on specializing. That's the real end point.
Thanks Senor T!

Anonymous said...

But I thought that you are still a dentist after 4 years. Or are will you not be considered a dentist until after you finish specialization? If not, wouldn't the correct phrase be 1/4th a dentist and 1/7th a (whatever specialist you are going to be)>

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

Anonymous, ur right about the 4yrs - I could've said that but I prefer to say 1/7th since that's when I'll be done with school for good! God willing :)

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