DAT Study Tips

It's an important time for you now. Over the next couple of weeks, or months, strategically planning and organizing your schedule in anticipation of  your upcoming DAT examination is of paramount importance. Whether you decide on enrolling in a test prep course like Kaplan, Dr. Romano's (author of the DAT Destroyer) tutoring courses, or any other tutoring services,or, simply by studying on your own with several sources of test prep materials, it is imperative that you are consistent with your study habits. Of course, everyone's study habits and learning processes are different, so what works for your friend or others may not necessarily work for you.

1. Gather test prep/study materials - Do your research and find out which materials help most in properly preparing students for the test. I have compiled a few which have proven time and time again to be very helpful. You can find them here in my post last week.

2. Make a Study Schedule - It is important to keep a schedule as it enforces discipline. It is very easy to become side tracked by your everyday activities, especially if your test is months away. If two hours are dedicated everyday for DAT prep, assuming you're studying on your own, make sure and stay with that schedule, for, not only will it help over time with familiarity of material, but, it will aid you in developing a mastery of different components of the test.

3. Take a Diagnostic Test. Any material you chose to study from should come equipped with practice tests. If you had to do the DAT today, what score would you receive? This test helps to answer that question. It will give you an idea of where you are and hence gives you an idea of what you need to work on to get where you need to be.

4. Take about the first week to re-familiarize yourself with the materials. Read through the different subject sections of your test prep material and get an idea of the information you will need to know and retain for the test.

5. Study by sections - This is only my suggestion. Study each part of the exam one at a time, for example, study the Biology section first, test yourself periodically on this section and then once you're finished, move on to studying General Chemistry, and so on. I find that it is easier to study by sections. This minimizes confusion and helps you to study in a more organized fashion.

6. Continuously test yourself as you go along by taking subject tests - Ensure that you have mastered the areas you've been studying.

7. Pull information from different resources if a certain topic/ area is difficult to grasp. If you come across material in a text with which you are studying that is not quite clear, do not be afraid to use another text or source, or even the web to supplement this material. Maybe you will find a different author providing a simpler explanation to the concept that you were having difficulty with. Get a wide and general understanding of the concepts that you are attempting to master.

8. Ask questions! The Stu-DENT Network Forums is a good place to ask questions of individuals who are also studying or who have already taken the test. Usually, someone will be able to provide you with an answer that in some instances may provide more insight than the given texts that you're reading..

9. Take full practice tests once you feel comfortable with all the material and subject areas.

10. DO NOT take the DAT until you are absolutely sure that you are ready.

Click here for a compilation of different Study materials 
Want FREE DAT study Materials? Click here  
Need clarification on anything? Click here to visit the forums


Anonymous said...

Wow, Patrice, I wish you had been there to guide me in high school, I would have gotten much better grades!


Dr. Patrice Smith said...

lol Thanks Secretia. I do try to help others preparing for dental school in any which way I can. To do this, one has to be very resourceful.

Robin said...

Oh Hi patrice..I didnt realize this was another of your blogs.. How are you..!! Great advice for all post grads...and so true..!

Anonymous said...

Great advice for DAT study tips.
Also checkout out my website for some dat practice questions.


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